Posts tagged the jteam
Celebrating Passover

My family always “did” a Passover seder, and I remember really liking it as a kid. But as I get older, I’m less and less comfortable with the practice. I feel that the seder implicitly celebrates the torture that the Egyptians were subject to during the plagues. Modern times, in which we prize sensitivity toward the downtrodden and disadvantaged, call for a ritual that includes more awareness of, and compassion toward, the suffering of the Egyptian people. I would like to start a new seder tradition which features charitable giving toward embattled regimes, and celebrates freedom with activism on prison reform. Wouldn’t that be a more appropriate way to celebrate?

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Jewish Pride vs. Supremacy

2020 forced me to confront discrimination to a degree I hadn’t before. Being white, I had to reflect on privilege and how it impacts myself and others in ways I may not even be aware of. The notion of an embedded white supremacy got me thinking about being Jewish. Is the premise of a “chosen people” inherently racist? How is it different than white supremacy or any other form of discrimination?

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Winter Wonderland

The High Holidays and Sukkot was a great reprieve from all the chaos this year. I felt so peaceful and connected to myself. But then after the holidays were all over, reality hit like a bucket of ice water. Pandemic out of control, election out of control, people dying and people struggling and when I look around it makes me question the notion of a kindness-focused Creator. Yes, we have blessing and goodness and opportunity. But so much suffering, too. How could the purpose of existence be positive (as you’ve written) with so much negativity everywhere?

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Take Me Out to the Synagogue

The High Holy Days are the only ones I even consider going to synagogue. The rest of the year… Meh. But I know my Bubby would turn over in her grave if I didn’t go on Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur. As much as it’s a drag, it does give me a sense of connection to Judaism and the Jewish community that I don’t get otherwise. But this year, services will be virtual, and I just can’t see myself getting anything out of it. I can’t look at screens or focus on virtual meetings for even one minute more than is absolutely necessary for my job, which is already too much. Is there a way for me to get that spiritual “fix” without attending services, virtual or otherwise?

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Are You There, God?

I took your words to heart in the last issue, and over Shavuot decided I’d like to try and experience some Torah learning for myself. I’ll admit, it was amazing. It was intellectually stimulating, and deep, and challenging on so many levels; really unlike anything I’ve ever done. But here’s the problem -- I’m not sure I believe in God. I’m a logical, intelligent person, and the notion of the old man in the sky seems imaginary and juvenile. So all that Torah learning, while enjoyable, felt like a strange, hypocritical practice.

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What a Wonderful World

My son’s school is celebrating Tu B’shvat this year by handing out dried fruit and planting trees, teaching the kids about caring for the environment. Is caring about the environment a “contemporary” Jewish value? Or is there a traditional basis for it too?

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