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Journey To Poland

Join us on the journey of a lifetime as we embark on a meaningful exploration of Jewish life before, during and after the Holocaust. While each journey is unique, our itinerary will include such sites of interest as the Warsaw ghetto, Okopowa St. Cemetery and Lancut Synagogue. We’ll tour the historic cities of Lublin and Krakow (including Schindler’s Factory and the Jewish Quarter of Kazimierz), explore several former death camps, and light up the darkness with a traditional Shabbat celebration together.

Throughout this inspiring journey, we’ll connect to many individual stories of self-sacrifice, dedication, love and family, and return home enriched in our traditions and empowered in our values. This is a 7-day trip geared towards Cincinnati Jewish community members. We encourage women, men, singles, couples, friends and multi-generational family groups to apply.

Trip Dates

Our upcoming trip dates are March 16th - 24th, 2025.

Subsidized cost (Cincinnati area only): $1599 all inclusive*, plus flights.

*Cost is based on twin occupancy in 4-star hotels, deluxe catering, JRoots Trip Educator, and all site entry fees.


What is on the itinerary?

The trip includes many sites of Jewish interest across numerous cities, towns and villages in Poland including Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Lublin and more. We also plan to visit the sites of 4 former death camps - Auschwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek and Chelmno. 

I have relatives that came from Poland, or were sent to Poland. Will I be able to visit their cities and towns? 

We do our best to incorporate the personal family stories of all of our participants, as this makes a much more meaningful experience for us all. We encourage each participant to do as much personal research as possible in advance. A genealogical survey is sent out to everyone in the months leading up to the trip. 

What does the cost include?

The cost includes all accomodation, meals, groups transfers and touring in Poland - almost everything you'll need upon arrival in Poland. Not included: flight, travel insurance, tips for our JRoots trip educator, any additional shopping or discretionary purchases in Poland. 

 Who will be leading the trip?

Lisa Cook is the main trip logistical coordinator and staffer. In Poland, we will be met at the airport by our JRoots trip educator (TBD) together with a team of ground staff. 

Is there any free time?

Yes, there is a limited amount of free time during the trip. However, the trip includes a packed schedule almost every day, and barring extenuating circumstances, there is the requirement for full participation at every stop. 

Is this trip open to any age group?

This trip is suited to adults of any age including young professionals, middle aged adults and seniors. Teens 16+ may be eligible to join if accompanied by parents or grandparents. 

What type of Jewish background is required for this trip?

We welcome Jewish community members of every type of affiliation and level of observance. All catered food and snacks provided will be kosher-certified. 

Will my additional dietary restrictions be able to be accommodated?

The short answer is yes, to an extent. Please be in touch with Lisa with questions. 

What will we be doing on Shabbat?

As a group we'll celebrate a traditional Shabbat together in Krakow, with Shabbat meals and (optional) services. On Shabbat afternoon we'll be doing a walking tour of the City. 

When do I need to apply?

The sooner you can apply the better, so that we can get an idea of numbers. 

Will there be a group flight?

Yes, however it's not mandatory to take it. Participants may make their own way to and from Warsaw and will need to meet up with the group at Chopin airport around noon on Monday March 17th. (Exact information TBD)

Is Poland safe?

Yes. Many groups safely visit Poland every year, including in current times. In addition, our group is accompanied by a security guard for all touring. 

What does the application process look like?

Anyone who wishes to apply will need to fill out the application form below or register your interest here and we'll be in touch with more information.  The application process includes an in-person (or zoom where necessary) interview. Acceptance is guaranteed only upon receiving an official acceptance email from CJX, signing the trip waiver and paying the non-refundable deposit of $250.

Can I apply together with friends or relatives that don't live in Cincinnati?

In certain circumstances - yes. However, the Cincinnati Jewish community subsidy will not apply. The full, non-subsidized cost of the trip is $2595. 

I don't know anyone else applying? Will I still have a roommate? 

Yes, we can set you up with a roommate. Or there's the option to pay an additional single-room supplement of $375. 

Will there be an information session?

Yes, we will be sending out info for 2 zoom info sessions over the coming weeks.

Will there be any group meetings before and after the trip?

Yes, there will be 2 meetings before the trip - a logistical orientation and an educational orientation. After the trip there will be 2 meetings, including a group Shabbat dinner. Dates are TBD. 

When is full payment due?

Full payment is due by November 1st, 2024. For those needing flexible payment terms, please speak to Lisa directly and we will do our very best to accommodate. 

Please apply here or contact for more info.