Hold That Thought : Parashas Beshalach

Do you ever feel stressed? Or like you’re going through life with insecurities, obstacles lurking around every corner? This type of suffering is so prevalent today, many of us feel like it’s just something we have to contend with.  

When you think about the description of the Jews as they crossed the Red Sea, you’ll notice something unbelievable: After the Egyptians drown behind them, the Jews break out in joyous song. Isn’t it interesting that they’re singing a song of freedom only now, even though they had already been freed from Egyptian bondage? But the truth is, as long as the Jews thought the Egyptians were out there — somewhere — they still felt imprisoned.

Do you get it? Real freedom isn’t simply walking away from our oppressors. Even when we’re not in chains or in jail, we can still be slaves unless we actually feel free. This puts freedom completely in our control (as Bob Marley famously sang, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery”).

Yes, it can be hard work to gain mastery over how we feel and react, but learning to control our thoughts is the key to living a life of true freedom. 

Originally posted on The American Israelite.