Flashback to the 2017 Momentum trip with Cincinnati Community leader Kayla Soroka

The 2017 Momentum trip to Israel had us soaring in every way. We left the Cincinnati area a group of Jewish moms, and returned eight days later as sisters — inspired, bonded, fueled with purpose, recharged, and well-traveled (and, of course, well-fed!).

From cosmopolitan Tel Aviv to ancient Jerusalem, from the depths of the Dead Sea to the soaring peak of Safed, we explored, talked, tasted, and learned... We learned to see Israel, to see each other, to see Judaism, and to see even ourselves with fresh eyes.

We learned a lot about what it means to be a Jewish mom. While picking up basic skills for riding camels, bargaining in the markets, and navigating the winding alleys of Jerusalem, we also picked up new perspectives on building the Jewish community. 

But perhaps the most awesome — literally — part of the trip was reconnecting with ourselves, our spirituality, and our heritage.

Originally posted on The American Israelite.